The Farm

Flowers and Plants Vegetables and Herbs Meats
  • Vegetables and Herbs

    Flowers and Plants
    Nature and Living strive to provide the highest quality perennial and annual rootstock available.  We have wide selection of Astilbe, Daylily, Hosta, Peony, Oriental Lily, Flowering Perennials, Bedding Plants, and Herbs.


    Vegetables and Herbs
    Different crops have different needs from soil and attracts different type of disease and pests.  We practice crop rotation to balance soil fertility and to reduce disease and pest problems.  Our garden is also worked over by duck and chickens to control slug and other pests hiding in the soil.


    Our meat let it be, poultry, lamb, chevon, or beef are all hormone-free, steroid free and pasture raised.  Taste the difference.

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